Respect & Harassment

“At his best, man is the noblest of all animals; separated from law and justice he is the worst.”


Respect for all is a large part of our server. We will not tolerate endless arguing and debates for the sake of doing so, and we will not allow harassment or bullying of our players and staff. As stated in our home page we wish to create an experience for all to enjoy, and if you need to harass and bully others to enjoy an experience, then this is not the experience for you.

Any racism, sexism, ageism, ableism, discrimination, or harassment of any group for any reason will not be tolerated.

Any doxxing, blackmailing, or sharing of personal information, your own or others, without their permission is grounds for an immediate ban with no option of appeal.

Remember to treat others how you wish to be treated, the golden rule.

Please only speak English on our server. Not speaking it makes it difficult to determine who is or isn't breaking chat rules.